Real democratic principles

The letter to the editor headline "Democrats stand for nothing" in Sunday's paper is fundamentally offensive. I'm shocked -- appalled -- that anyone in The Sentinel-Record office would approve such a blatantly hostile title.

As a progressive Democrat, I refuse to allow myself and my fellow Democrats to be smeared by such drivel and mindless accusations and falsehoods. At least not without a written reaction. That letter writer showed his unabashed prejudices toward people about whom he knows little. Furthermore, by what authority does he have to stipulate what a political party stands for? Let's explore, Mr. Cherry, a few of the democratic principles.

D -- Deeply committed to building a better community and a better country;

E -- Extremely concerned about the economy and the health and welfare of our nation;

M -- Mindful of others and their well-being;

O -- Observant of the protections for all -- protections which are guaranteed by the United States Constitution;

C -- Cautious and curious about the motivation of such hatred and lack of respect espoused in some letters to the editor;

R -- "Radical" in that we believe in the Golden Rule, which articulates that we are expected to treat others as we would have them treat us (a concept broadly included in most religions);

A -- American, which we call ourselves first, as we try to be a part of forming "a more perfect union";

T -- Traditional belief to which we are dedicated as we continue to deal with contemporary issues as well as preserve the founding system of belief that we are in a land of freedom and fairness;

S -- Standing for effectively working toward peace, tranquility and just plain getting along civilly with those of opposing views.

The last thing I wish to pursue is a senseless argument over false indictments, but I shall not accept such allegations nor let him off without comment.

Perhaps Mr. Cherry could be persuaded to write about the season of renewal -- spring!

Proud to be an American Democrat,

Barbara Thexton

Hot Springs

Editorial on 04/19/2014

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