Dear editor: Religious win

Dear editor:

Regarding the AP headline "Dems seek gains with women in birth control loss," may I suggest the following change -- "Reps seek gains with the devout in religious victory"?

The Supreme Court decision being discussed still requires closely held corporations to furnish birth control, and Hobby Lobby does furnish 16 forms of birth control. The female employees of Hobby Lobby do not have to pay for those 16 forms of birth control pills. The decision does not require closely held corporations to furnish abortions. The owners of Hobby Lobby believe that four pills, on the market today, do kill a fertilized egg and, therefore, terminate a human life. Those four pills perform abortion and call it birth control. The religious beliefs of owners of closely held corporations have gained a victory. I'll vote for that.

M. Wayne Spencer

Hot Springs

Editorial on 07/23/2014

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