Dear editor: Dangerous policies

Dear editor:

Not only is the world a more dangerous place then it was six years ago, but the nation is a more dangerous place then it was 40 years ago because of the policies of Democrats.

Most cities across this nation celebrated the Fourth by shooting off fireworks. In Obama's hometown, they shot each other. Over 60 people in Obama's hometown were shot with 17 of them being killed over the three-day weekend. This, of course, is nothing unusual, on what's considered a normal weekend in Obama's neighborhood, it's not unusual for a few dozen to be shot with sometimes those killed in the double digits.

This nonsense isn't just limited to Chicago, of course, it's going on in most urban areas of this country. We see it in our own newspaper and television coverage. Hardly a day goes by that we aren't greeted with somebody being shot and possible pictures of the victims and perpetrators. I don't think we are even shocked anymore. Our neighborhood was sadly reporting the shooting of a 20-month-old baby and the killing of her mother not long ago that should have outraged us as a community.

Most of this carnage and mayhem are the work of sons of "Hillary's Village." They are the products of welfare moms, raised with no fathers in their lives and no values. Most in their communities are in some way feeding at the trough of government assistance. Statistics will show they have no interest in working. With plenty of free time on their hands, they have plenty of time to get into trouble. In what seems too long ago, my grade school teachers would describe it this way: "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." The Democrats, with all their various government giveaways, have created lots of idle hands. It seems we can't build jails quick enough to deal with it all.

How do we solve it? It took many years to get into this mess and it will not be solved overnight. I can tell you how to begin to solve it in language that even Jesse Jackson can understand: "Stay out de Democrats."

Larry Bauer

Hot Springs Village

Editorial on 07/24/2014

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