Reacting vs. planning

Dear editor:

Looks like water is being brewed by the local tea party/GGGG (Garland Good Government Group) to douse the city's effort to ensure a future water supply. To some it's just another of the ongoing tea party/GGGG efforts to run the city.

After their successful venture that solved the county's dog control problem, the tea party-controlled Quorum Court sprung into action (the county judge was still busy with jail stuff). They decided to aim their guns at the water issue. It was announced that the county needed to establish its own separate water supply, ostensibly so county residents wouldn't have to buy that expensive water from the city.

Then some of the tea party/GGGG's free thinkers, in a second pronged attack, submitted petitions to force a referendum vote on the city's water plan.

It's kinda funny about those initiatives:

  1. Initially the tea party water experts said there was plenty of water available, that no new water sources were needed.

  2. Many of the water naysayers don't even live in the city.

Maybe all this "agin" effort just stems from hurt feelings. The tea party/GGGG offered their expert opinions and knowledge of things water, even offering to debate the city's experts. The city ignored the offers.

So the gloves are off now and the water hoses readied. The county will dig those holes needed to replicate and construct its own parallel water system, though numerous permissions from state and federal regulators will be required. The tea party free-thinkers will likely submit petition after petition for a public vote.

Interestingly enough, Garland County had an opportunity to join with Hot Spring County to form a water district some 20 years ago. Ah, but planning is such a dirty word to some groups, it's much better to react to problems than plan.

Gary Grogan

Hot Springs

Editorial on 09/21/2014

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