The spiritual world

Dear editor:

Mike Nunn's letter of Sept. 13 states: No one ... past or present ... can state what will happen when life ceases to exist for any one of us.

There is a natural world and the spiritual. The natural man receiveth not and cannot understand the spiritual; that's why Jesus spoke in parables. The physical, or natural, can be put in a test tube and proven. But the spiritual can't. It is like the wind. You can't see it, but know it is real by the effects of it. So is everyone that is born of the spirit. If you seek God with all your heart, you will find Him. He will reveal Himself to you.

Because of Lazarus' testimony after he was risen from the dead, some of the Jews believed and some wanted to kill him, which proved what Abraham said about death.

Now for the present day testimonies. With our modern day technology, many have been revived after having a death experience. You may think these are not reliable, but many well-educated doctors have had experiences as well as small children (one recently which said God is not dead).

Dr. Eben Alexander, a teacher in the Harvard Medical School and a neurologist, had such an experience. He believed when the cortex of the brain ceased to function, you didn't know anything. He went into a coma for seven days. The other doctors said he was brain dead and if he survived, he would be a vegetable. He revived and is not a vegetable today but is alive and well. He said, "I was wrong, you do know things and your mind is sharper and that world more real than this natural world." He met a sister that he didn't know he had (because he had been adopted) and thought she was his guardian angel. Later, he saw a picture of his dead sister and realized it was his sister he met that he didn't know he had. You can read his book, "Proof of Heaven," and go online and get lots of information.

Since material things to the natural man is only verifiable, the spirit world is not verifiable because it's not tangible or material. But the Creator said there will be a resurrection of the body and reunited with the spirit that has gone to God. That's when we will beat our swords into plowshares and our spears into pruning hooks and learn war no more.

Can you believe the testimonies of thousands of people who have experienced it?

Paul said the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God. That's why Jesus spoke in parables, because it's not given to those to comprehend spiritual things. They must be initiated into the body. The natural man thinks preaching is foolishness, but to us who are saved, it is the power of God. "Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of the world."

Clyde Edds


Editorial on 09/23/2014

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