Fed up with commercials

Dear editor:

I got to believe all of us are fed up with the sheer volume of political commercials. I haven't done a scientific poll, but it seems to me like the Democrats are running slightly more than the Republicans, though both are running way too many.

How do you know which party is raising the most money? That's easy, when the Republicans are raising more money than the Democrats, you'll get at least three stories a week on the major TV networks and at least one in the big town newspapers on how terrible all this money in politics is, however, when the Democrats are outraising the Republicans, barely a peep.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those who isn't for free speech. I believe in the First Amendment. If I could think of a way to limit campaign spending that was fair, I would, but the Supreme Court, so far at least, has got it right: money is speech. The problem is who decides. If you think Democrats won't seek an advantage over the Republicans and visa versa, then what planet do you live on?

Now getting back to Arkansas and all the ads that are costing both sides millions of dollars, the Democrats' ads want to convince listeners that the money raised by Republicans come from those evil Koch brothers and big Wall Street types. Is it fair to ask the question: Where does all the money the Democrats are spending, even more than the Republicans, come from? You can bet much of their money is coming from $billionaire donors as well, who one day will want a favor from one of them for all the money they are giving.

What do the Democrats think, the people who vote for them are stupid?

Larry Bauer

Hot Springs Village

Editorial on 09/28/2014

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