Dear editor: Mayor 'strikes' again

Dear editor:

Will the harassment of our parade never stop? Given our mayor's unrelenting attack on the parade, I doubt if her very public "concern for children" was primarily for the sake of our children. No one doubts the validity of the issue, just the method she chose to correct the problem. A simple call to the group or individuals who made the error would certainly have eradicated the problem. But no! That would not have made negative news, once again, for the parade.

I am sure you remember her prolonged attack on the system of estimating the crowd count (a highly recognized and respected system). Then, last year, she violated the request not to make the parade political. I wrote at that time:

"Horrors! If the mayor had wanted to thumb her nose at the parade, the city and tourism, she could not have done a better job! She knew full well that the parade was not to be marred by politics, yet she put up that atrocious sign. The only thing worse than the sign was her attempt at justification."

Wonder what she will find so wrong next year? I hope that the three strikes and you are out rule will apply to her.

Virginia Staton

Hot Springs

Editorial on 04/01/2015

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