Remember the hungry

Dear editor:

They are among us, and they are hungry. They work with us, go to church with us and go to school with our kids. The old and the young are the most vulnerable. Often the old are too ashamed to ask for help, the young too helpless, depending on others who can't or won't meet their needs.

Many in our town will go hungry tonight -- again. Yet most of us absent-mindedly load our grocery carts, not really thinking that our neighbors are in need. Lots of good hearts would be willing to help, but how?

Now that it's planting season, how about one pot, one plot? It can be as simple as that. What a tremendous difference we could make in our community if each of us dedicated part of our growing area to feed the hungry. One pot on the patio, part of the lawn, an unused plot -- even vacant areas downtown -- could be utilized to feed our own.

Where to take it? Places like the Food Bank, Jackson House, the Master's Table, Potter's Clay, Safe Haven, Teen Challenge, as well as various church food pantries would probably appreciate anything you could contribute.

How about churches and organizations utilizing this as a summer project? Lots of kids will have spare time this summer, as will the retirees and empty nesters -- a great way for the generations to interact positively, both for themselves and the hungry. Even organizing this effort, putting together the information, could be a great learning tool for the young.

Among the many blessings most of us have is the ability to give back, to role model that for our young. As a community and as individuals, let's challenge ourselves this summer -- one pot, one plot. We are needed.

S.E. Russell

Hot Springs

Editorial on 04/24/2015

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