Looking for scapegoat

Dear editor:

In the news lately has been talk about President Obama seeking authorization from Congress to go to war with ISIS, as I understand it. Many people seem to have thought that this was a good thing for the president to do. I don't know why others have not seen this, but in my opinion, he is only looking for a scapegoat to blame in case anything goes wrong, or/and if some of his far left support criticizes him.

Ever since he has been elected, he has blamed someone for anything that has went wrong. He started out blaming President Bush for everything under the sun for four years at least. All past presidents have been chastised by many and the media for attempting to blame previous administrations. They have said take the job given to you and do the best you can with it because you own it now. You spent a lot of time and money asking for the job, and now you want to blame someone for turning over to you something you almost begged for.

In my opinion, the Republicans have gone easy on the Obama administration by not calling him out on the many promises he hasn't kept, starting on day one. They should have been calling this administration the "party of blame" because Obama hasn't taken any responsibility for anything that has gone wrong. Look it all up, find me a few things that he has accepted as a mistake and not blaming someone else directly or indirectly for it. It was the Congress or another organization (especially a Republican or conservative ) or Fox News for whatever didn't go right. Blame, blame, blame, that is all he does, besides golfing more than any president. I'll bet that if he hit a bad shot playing golf, he'd blamed something for it. I wasn't there, but I sure wished I could hear his excuse.

Instead of trying to work with the Congress, he has let his lackeys block voting on so many things the House of Representatives have sent to the Senate. Then he has said that he didn't need the Congress, he would just use executive power to do the things that he knew the public would not want done, but he did.

I do not understand why so many writers to this paper are not willing to see the facts about this president. The one who had zero qualifications; can you believe a community organizer could be qualified for president. Forget the senator portion of experience, he rarely voted because he usually wasn't even in the Senate. But even if he was there and voted every single time, the short time he was there doesn't qualify him for any leadership position, much less to be president.

In my opinion, he is going to do as much damage to this country that he can in the time he has left. If someone wants to understand why he has done all of the things that he has, just consider: He wants to destroy the U.S. as we know it. He wants to turn the U.S. into a socialist state, like David Horowitz says in his booklet, Rules for Revolution. Read it, it's only 51 small pages long. And when you do, you will understand. When this is considered, everything this administration has done starts to fall into place.

C. Lonnie Waldrop

Hot Springs

Editorial on 02/24/2015

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