Dear editor: Stealing one's rights

Dear editor:

For over 20 years, Dan and I have fed the wildlife in our area. One winter we had 18 raccoons for several weeks. Only six to eight nightly now, plus several possums, squirrels and two beautiful gray foxes. Last year we had red foxes, also, but they've not shown up this winter. The gray fox has the most amazing coloring around his neck and face. Over the years we've lived out here, I have kept a list and counted 44 species of birds at our feeders, including regular flyovers.

During the miserable "global warming" we've experienced this past several weeks, I have very carefully "booted up" and with brace and cane gone out in the ice to keep everything fed. And all this time going over in my mind is Mr. Nunn's statement that Christians are depriving nonbelievers of their rights. I keep up with the news, but I cannot think of a single case where Christians are taking away the rights of atheists.

In actuality, I can think of the opposite. The atheist Stalin was responsible for around 20 million deaths; Mao Zedong caused a staggering 70 million deaths, and Hitler wiped out about 10 million, of which 6 million were Jews. This isn't just "depriving them of their rights," as Mr. Nunn complains. This is taking away their very right to life. Atheist regimes, in a single century, have murdered more than 100 million people!

Truth is, the atheist groups are stealing the rights of Christians at quite a pace now: disrupting long-recognized traditions here in our country, like permitting kids to sing carols in school, setting up a beautiful tree on state property, acknowledging the deaths of our soldiers with a cross on a mountain -- none of this is an "establishment of religion," which is what the law actually forbids. So it is you, dear atheist friends, who are taking away the colorful joy of our children at Christmastime; who will not even permit discussion of creation in schools. Seems to me any well-taught class on any subject would touch all bases in discussion.

So you might want to rethink your statement, and since you're always talking of "facts" -- which really, sir, you seldom identify in your letters, offer us a list of your lost "rights!"

I'm at 501-282-3102.

Pat Pine Darnell

Hot Springs

Editorial on 02/25/2015

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