Dear editor: End the neglect

Dear editor:

Last night (Friday, Feb. 27), my son and I watched the shining luminary surrounding the massive pile of burned-up rubble at the Majestic Hotel.

Several fire trucks were there from the Hot Springs Fire Department, too. And that's the piece of this messy situation that upsets and worries me most.

When property owners don't care enough about Hot Springs, our beautiful and historic downtown or their own magnificent buildings, they aren't just being selfish and disrespectful. Those building owners are putting the men and women of the Hot Springs Fire Department in danger.

The firemen are the ones who will fight the raging infernos in historic neglected buildings filed with paper, trash and unsecured.

Those property owners are threatening the lives of our public servants with their petty, short sighted and stubborn lack of action. What is wrong with them?

The lives of these men and women are priceless, more valuable than your perceived slights, codes or cash.

Stop acting like children who refuse to take care of their toys.

Diana McDaniel Hampo

Hot Springs

Editorial on 03/04/2015

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