Don't forget to exercise your brain

Just like the rest of the body, your brain needs exercise and maintenance to protect its current and future health. In particular, your brain needs to be stimulated socially, mentally, physically, and through nutrition and sleep.

Socializing with others can provide you with an opportunity for communication, critical thought, creativity and emotional expression. When you isolate yourself, you are at a greater risk for developing depression and even dementia. Become socially strong through these avenues:

• Keep in touch with friends and family. This can be a simple avenue to maintain a social environment, but busy schedules and life transitions can make these connections challenging. Plan ahead and put them on your calendar.

• Connect with your community. Joining a club, volunteering, becoming active in church or taking a class at the community college are just a few ways to make your social network stronger.

• Get to know your neighbors. Neighbors, whether it is the person living next door or the local shop on the corner, can help create meaningful connections close to home.

• Use the Internet. The Internet can be a tool that connects you to not only old friends and acquaintances, but to new people as well. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are just a few examples of social media sites that help you stay connected.

Mental stimulation enhances brain cell connections and can delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease. This can be done in several ways:

• Engage in games and puzzles. Games and puzzles that challenge you to think target the areas of your brain linked to memory, concentration, language skills, visual-spatial abilities and logic/organization.

• Read and write. Reading and writing engage the memory component of the brain. For an added challenge, try reading a word backwards or writing with your nondominant hand.

• Have a hobby. Hobbies can create a sense of purpose and challenge the brain, especially those that require hand-eye coordination and mental calculation, such as knitting, woodcrafts, painting and playing an instrument.

• Do neurobics. Neurobics is exercising a part of the brain that is not used on a regular basis. A lot of what we do is done out of routine, such as brushing your teeth. To challenge your brain to work harder, brush your teeth, eat or do house chores with your nondominant hand; drive or take a different route to the store or work; go new places to experience new sights and smells; and try finding things with your eyes closed, such as loose change in your wallet.

Physical activity can be a big brain booster, especially exercises that increase your heart rate. When your heart beats, it pumps oxygen-rich blood to the brain. So, the more fit the heart is, the more effectively it will feed your brain. This can aid in decision making and conflict resolution skills.

Nutrition plays a large role in brain development and function. A brain-healthy diet encourages good blood flow to the brain and protects the heart. Foods that are high in antioxidants and omega-3 and low in calories, sodium and cholesterol are recommended. Avoid or limit foods that are fried, high in fat, high in sugar or processed. Refined grains, alcohol and caffeine should also be limited. Some brain-healthy foods to try: dark-skinned fruits and vegetables, cold water fish, nuts and whole grains.

Sleep is essential for brain function. While sleeping, the brain is preparing for the next day by creating new pathways to help you learn and remember information. Being sleep deprived can decrease your ability to make decisions, solve problems and drive a car. Try these tips to improve your sleep habits:

• Set regular bedtime and waking hours -- even on the weekends.

• Avoid exercising within a few hours of bedtime.

• Avoid reading or watching television in bed.

If you don't fall asleep within the first 20 minutes of going to bed, get up and do something until you are ready to fall asleep.

Your lifestyle is a huge influence in determining your brain health. Establish or maintain healthy lifestyle behaviors now to ensure optimal aging throughout your lifespan.

For more information on Keys to Embracing Aging, contact the Garland County Extension Office at 623-6841 or 922-4703, or email Jessica at [email protected].


Interested in joining an Extension Homemakers Club? For information, call 623-6841 or 922-4703 or email [email protected].

Master Gardeners

If interested in becoming a Master Gardener and would like information, attend its meeting at 1 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month at the Elks Lodge; call the Extension office; or email [email protected].


There are 4-H clubs for Garland County youths 5 to 19. For information, call the Extension Office or email Linda Bates, [email protected].

Society on 03/30/2015

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