Dear editor: Ignoring other threats

Dear editor:

We know now, and intelligent people have always known, that nuclear weapons are not the only WMD. When we invaded Iraq, it was not a mistake, because our best intelligence told us it was possible that Iraq had nuclear weapons. We know now that Iraq did not have nuclear weapons, but having fought that war, we know for certain, now, that Iraq did have other WMD.

Iran has those other WMD now, and we are negotiating with Iran about nuclear weapons. Is it a mistake to ignore the threat of those other WMD? Does anybody think that nuclear power is the only, or even the most serious, threat to the world today? Would it be a mistake to invade any and every country where terrorists have made headway lately?

We knew, then, that Vietnam did not have nuclear weapons, but I'm not hearing any politician saying it was a mistake, for any reason, to invade there. Why is it considered a mistake to fight terrorism with all our might? Why do we have to use the lack of nuclear weapons as an excuse to stay out of this fight? Remember, all nuclear weapons are WMD, but all WMD are not nuclear weapons.

M. Wayne Spencer

Hot Springs

Editorial on 05/27/2015

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