Dear editor: Missing the point

Dear editor:

I hope people took note of how James Wilson views our Founding Fathers and our Declaration of Independence. I can only hope that, unlike James, a majority of people still believe in the self-evident ideas of liberty and the inalienable rights and equality of man. These ideas were core to giving mankind a new vision of freedom and the merits of self-reliance.

Yes, we see inequality and the rights of mankind abused when we look around the world, but we know in our hearts the way mankind should treat one another. By not labeling others -- slave, peon, infidel, royalty, aristocrat, or holy -- new theories were born that put people on the same level. I believe Mr. Wilson does not have faith in the Declaration of Independence because he misses the point. To not believe in the inalienable rights of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" lays bare his unbelief in the America that is the beaming light to the rest of the world. That inalienable rights are not prevalent in the world today, only points out the problem and need that the world faces in establishing them. And it is through universal social programs and civil rights, that we can help bring about a more equal and cared for world to help the poor and disadvantaged life forms of all of nature.

Basic subsistence of food, clothing and shelter should be achieved and realized for all humanity. WWJD! I believe America was founded on such beliefs and principles. The inequalities that our current ruthless, privatized, micromanaged, corporately dominated world is creating today, need to be addressed. A more pliant and adjustable world is possible.

Although James criticizes Jefferson's understanding of the Bible, I believe if his own understanding of the Greek classics was as good as Jefferson's knowledge of the Bible, he might be a little more believable, less narrow-minded and illiberal. His tunnel vision view of biblical reality is unmistakable. Jefferson and Thomas Paine did not accept many parts of the Bible and found much of it loathsome. Well should we all be able to look with unbiased eyes at all the written words man has created.

And I would suggest that the reason that congregations in America are becoming smaller and smaller is largely because most people now largely agree with Jefferson and Paine, and find most of the biblical myths no longer work and/or are unbelievable. Still, I must note, most find the moral philosophy of Jesus, as did Jefferson who studied all available in his time, compelling and above all others.

As I understand it, the idea of the "pursuit of happiness" is an idea Jefferson got from the Greek philosopher Epicurus.

Overall, the unique ideas and knowledge of our Founding Fathers still light the way to establish the new world order of reason and "Nature's God" who is our creator.

Bill Wiedmann

Hot Springs

Editorial on 05/28/2015

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