No Clinton scandal

Dear editor:

Sorry Republicans, there is still no Clinton scandal. You can drag out the email investigation like you dragged around Benghazi and waste another $7 million of our tax dollars, but there is still no scandal. George W. Bush destroyed 5 million emails. If you printed out all of Hillary's and GW's deleted emails and placed the stacks side by side, Hillary's might reach the eave of an average house, while GW's stack would be taller than the Empire State Building! What they don't tell you is that most of Hillary's emails are actually just pieces of emails and that they are mostly duplicates or attachments of emails already released.

Now they want to drag the Clinton Foundation into it? The Clinton Foundation has helped 500,000,000 people in 180 countries. The Clintons do not draw a salary or any pay from it, and Hillary hasn't been in it at all since she became secretary of state. It is bipartisan with a great deal of support from both living former Republican presidents. To say there was any "pay for play" is beyond ludicrous!

What lies? WMDs? No new taxes? I am not a crook?

Why aren't people interested in how much the other candidate owes the Russian mob?

Scott Ruff

Hot Springs

Editorial on 08/30/2016

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