'No' to acceptance

Dear editor:

Dems want tolerance and cooperation?

("Time to make peace," Nov. 16 2016.)

Years ago, intelligent, educated and intellectual friends and I left the Democratic Party in droves in favor of an independent label. It became obvious to us the party was more interested in the coronation of an anointed queen than in continuing to fight for traditional Democratic issues, such as living wages, health care, union support and civil rights.

We were ridiculed, ignored, laughed at, reviled because our preference was to actually stand up against intolerance, discrimination, inequality: by Democrats and Republicans alike and we drew special attention from the Bible-thumping right-wing.

Democrat Party hacks made little effort to establish a public presence, participate in letter writing or newsletter activities. Their oft-repeated excuse was they might get a brick through their window. During those years, my friends and I continued our efforts to speak out, drawing attention and virulent vituperation down upon our heads. Even local party officials eschewed outreach in favor of joining or even leading the head-long lemming-like rush over the rightist cliff of god, guns and gynecology, "Run to the right!" seemingly content with ideological principles of exclusion, racism, bigotry, hatred for the other.

And now those same hacks desire tolerance, reconciliation, desire to work with those same merchants of slime and continued jackboot enslavement of the downtrodden. You make your choice, but I will not be part of the white privilege environment that will enable senior Dems, Republicans et al. to return to their well-padded "seats" at expensive dinners hearing expensive speeches, perhaps returning to their gated communities, socializing with those same bankers and CEOs sharing their elitism. They may have the luxury of avoiding outside contact, but many of us will cast our lot with the wage earners who must get up, work three jobs, work sick, walk miles in cold and rain just to stay yards behind.

Tolerance? No.

Understanding? No.

Cooperation? No.

And especially not acceptance of a megalomaniacal demagogue.

Stephen Orr Manning

Hot Springs

Editorial on 12/05/2016

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