Five Star theater celebrates holiday

The Five Star Dinner Theatre will present its 30th annual Christmas Shows at 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16-18 and 22-23.

This year's shows are led by Musical Director Doug Lackey on keyboards, Brandon Tryon on lead guitar, Shane Graves on drums, with Randy Bright on bass rounding out the band. Vocal performers featured will be Rebecca Seewald, Tiffany Thornton Carney and Susan Wilkins.

Also performing will be Tom Wilkins, 17-time The Sentinel-Record's "Entertainer of the Year," and actor and comedian Stacey Castlebury. Bulford Presley will come out of retirement to join the show.

For the final two performances, Marcilee Wilkins Morgan will make an appearance.

The show features more than two hours of Christmas Musical Memories along with professional comedy that will tickle the funny bone, a news release said. The show is entirely rated PG with the theme "Total Christmas."

Available before the show starting at 6 p.m. is the theater's "All You Can Eat Buffet" from their newly built kitchen prepared by Castlebury and April LaFleur.

Call 318-1600 for reservations.

Entertainment on 12/09/2016

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