Fighting same fight

Dear editor:

Watching the RNC convention and listening to the speeches made by the leaders of the GOP reminded me of how wonderful and special the time was when the youth of the world stood up to the powers that be and said "Enough!" No to the war in Vietnam, no to racial inequity, no to equal but separate.

They stood shoulder to shoulder against police extremes trying to shut down their right to picket their own government. They were arrested and shot and abused and denied their rights to a speedy and fair trial. They prevailed.

Today the youth of America has the same opportunity to face the same fight for the same reasons against a bigger, more entrenched and well-funded corporate oligarchy. Many are stepping forward. Many can't because the oligarchy has put in place a bigger obstacle to their participation. They are saddled with the extreme cost of an education. You can't fight if you're shackled with debt.

You will do what your masters allow in order to pay off that debt. It's preplanned. It used to be called indentured servitude, which is still against the law, but practiced widely.

Two people now have to work to feed a family of three or more earning the same as a single earner family did in the 1970s. Wages have stagnated while costs rose. Little time is available to teach your children family values, social skills or the history of one's family when both parents are working. Daycare feeds the children of today the information the oligarchs want them to learn. Defying the system is denying the profit takers of their goal.

People need to remember that corporations are in place only to make money. They will sacrifice their employees and the environment to make as much profit with as little expenditure as possible. Thinking otherwise means you drank the Kool-Aid.

Judy Ladd

Hot Springs

Editorial on 07/27/2016

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