Media ignores questions

Dear editor:

It is hard to believe any politician would tell the truth, especially a Clinton. However, recently I heard Bill Clinton say the following, "You've got this crazy system where all of a sudden 25 million more people have health coverage and the people are out there blasting it, sometimes 60 hours a week and wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half. It's the craziest thing in the world." And Hillary wants to expand Obamacare. Maybe Bill doesn't want to be "first lady."

The mainstream media is making an issue over Trump's locker room statements. The press says it's a terrible thing for our children to hear. And yet, no one ever heard it until the Clinton campaign and the press put it out there time after time after time. I have heard both men and women say similar things and worse when they are talking trash with their friends.

Why is it the mainstream media never mentions Hillary's affair with Yoko Ono? Or the lawyer who allegedly admitted having an affair with Hillary and then ended up dead, a supposed suicide? The bar was set extremely low for moral misbehavior by the Clintons. The mainstream media ignores Bill Clinton's indiscretions as the governor of Arkansas and in the White House. The press never mentions the state troopers who allegedly provided Bill with women. Hillary never seemed to care how much Bill abused his power to degrade women. Nor does she care about how much she has abused her power. She just wants to tell everyone that locker room banter is unacceptable.

The mainstream media seems to ignore what this election is all about. Is this because of Hillary's past record?

Do we want a president who will stand idly by while our diplomats and military are murdered?

Do we want a president who emails classified material for anyone to see, lies to the FBI and destroys evidence?

Do we want a president who would open our borders to everyone with no vetting, allowing terrorists, murderers, rapists and other criminals to enter?

Do we want another president who would put our country trillions and trillions of dollars further in debt?

Do we want a president who would destroy our Constitution?

Do we want a president who wants to continue an already failed health care plan?

Do we want a president who would tell her voters one thing and her contributors the absolute opposite?

Do we want a president who became a multibillionaire through a supposed "nonprofit charity?"

Do we want a president who mocks and disparages Catholics?

Do we want a president who says millions of Americans are deplorable and irredeemable?

Do we want a president who, as an attorney, was fired in 1974 by her firm for unethical conduct, was dishonest, who violated the Constitution and rules of confidentiality?

And finally, do we want a president who has done nothing in 26 years to help our country?

Jerry Wagner

Hot Springs

Editorial on 10/23/2016

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