Say 'no' to Clinton

Dear editor:

Barbara Thexton said in a recent letter, "Here's to the return of civility." I assume she was trying to say a vote for Trump may return us to civility. Elitist Hillary feels 50 percent of Trump supporters are "deplorable." Not only does she call Trump names and make reckless proclamations against him, she also attacks those who would vote for him.

For eight years, Obama, Hillary and the Democrats have made life worse for most Americans. Meanwhile, Bill and Hillary have become multibillionaires thanks to the Clinton Foundation. I don't believe our country benefited by this so-called charity.

Ms. Thexton states these people are "not ready for a female president." It appears she believes if you don't vote for Hillary, you are a sexist. If an honest, qualified woman ran for president, I would have no problem voting for her. However, Hillary, who has helped drag our country down, said in a speech today, "It's time to make a change."

Here's to making a change for the better, by voting against Hillary.

Jerry Wagner

An independent and informed voter

Hot Springs

Editorial on 09/25/2016

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