Taking the low road

Dear editor:

I miss seeing letters from Mary Robinson. Oh, that's me!

So, here I go.

I am repetitious, but when it soaks in, I'll change subject.

Commit perjury eight times. (Per James Comey) Deny protection for men at Benghazi, but protect bin Laden's family, our men died. OK, the sale of 20 percent of our uranium to Russia, then receive huge check for "family's foundation," expose our government secrets to the world while secretary of state, then lie about it, say "For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud to be an American," tell the Russian rep, "Tell Vlad I'll be more flexible after the election," stand by silently while hoodlums tear up Jack all over America, on my behalf.

Apply any Republican's name to the above list and it's "guilty!" Apply any Democrat's name to the above list and it's "no charge!"

Having Barack Obama for president for eight years was the last thing I or other conservatives wanted. But I am proud to say that we never pulled the antics and dirty tricks that libs are insanely throwing at President Trump. What did Hillary say? "When they go low, we go high?" You didn't expect her to break her record did you? (Tell the truth?)

Incidentally, as to the question of whether we are perfect, or yet sinners, we could always ask spouses, kids, friends and neighbors. You're welcome.

God bless America bless God.

Mary Robinson

Hot Springs

Editorial on 04/26/2017

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