Temper tantrums

Dear editor:

I often heard the two political parties described as the Moms and the Dads, but I've for many years thought they remind me of the Adults and the Children. The actions of many in the three months since the election has only reinforced that belief.

Have you ever heard and seen so much whining and crying in your life? This was especially true of those pampered elites in Hollywood. They normally always get their way. The best seats in restaurants, or if they went to a theme park like Disney World they go to the VIP line and are put at the front of the long lines the rest of us have to wait in. This time, though, they didn't get their way, and for three months they have been stomping their feet and having temper tantrums just like the children they are.

I know there are folks out there who think this behavior is great with some chanting: "This is what democracy looks like." What, acting like children? I believe every time the adults, the people with common sense, who mostly inhabit the heartland of this country see this idiocy, the guy on a John Deere in Iowa or the gal working in small-time America, watches TV and this behavior, the Democrats lose a thousand more votes -- and they should.

Democrats, we've seen you lose governor and legislator seats in state after state in the last eight years, and by almost all the Democrat-talking heads I've seen in the last three months it's clear you still don't get it. Quit acting like children, start acting like adults, or here is something you might want to consider.

The Republicans are one state house away from controlling two-thirds of them. What does that mean? If you read the Constitution, I know many of you, like those three judges in the 9th circus court don't, but that gives the Republicans the power to amend the Constitution. If they chose, they could, for instance, amend it in such a way that it would give only the states the power to decide whether to allow abortions, thereby making an end run around the Supreme Court.

If I got my way, because it has become so political, I would change it to where a president would no longer pick a Supreme Court judge. I would amend it in a way that states that have lost far too much power to Washington would have more say. Maybe governors would vote on a new judge, something on that order.

So I'm hoping Democrats keep acting like spoiled rotten brat children. One more state house and Republicans can totally control their own destiny while the Democrats can just stand on the sidelines and whine. You think they're acting like crybabies now? Just wait.

Larry Bauer

Hot Springs Village

Editorial on 02/18/2017

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