Clarifying a few points

Dear editor:

I would like to clarify a few points from my last letter.

First, I am happy to say that I asked Jesus into my heart and to be my Lord and Savior over 40 years ago. Eight years ago, I was reborn, again! I am against taking life. We know when someone is dead because their heart stops, so we know when someone is alive. It seems pretty simple to me; no abortions should be allowed after heartbeats start. If that makes me a liberal or not a liberal, I don't care.

My point about Christians voting for a rapist is that we were so hyper about abortion, we would have voted for Satan if he said he was against it!

Now we have a president that lived a life of wanton hedonism. He has committed all seven deadly sins. He openly brags about violating the coveting commandment in his biography. He violated the commandment on adultery (though he pleaded the fifth). He violated the commandment on bearing false witness on Obama and Hillary and he is still doing it against the press! He is not a penitent man at all!

It is not too soon to take responsibility for our mistake in voting for Trump. There is a petition out there to impeach Trump and I urge everyone to sign it. God will see that you are penitent for voting for Trump!

He is only interested in "deals" and profit.

If for no other reason, do it for Psalms 24:1.

Scott Ruff

Hot Springs

Editorial on 02/21/2017

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