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Dear editor:

This is a response to Cliff Jackson's letter of Jan. 17, 2017. There is a lot of truth in his letter, but he didn't go far enough. If you don't like the way the good old boy club is acting (this is the powers that be in office now), send a message when election time rolls around. Kick them out of office.

I am hoping the new direction that was pointed out with our national elections will influence people to think about getting rid of the powers that be. Think about what these career politicians have really done for us. We have a judge who hasn't done a thing for so long, but he still gets his $13,000 a month salary. If this isn't good old boy status, I don't know what is.

If our private sector was run like this, everyone would be bankrupt. All these career politicians think about is getting re-elected. It goes back to the old saying, "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." It is time to send the same message that was sent in our national election and remove the scoundrels. Too many go to the polls and see the name on the ballot, then vote for that name because of name recognition. That is a real problem.

Please wake up people. You have no right to complain if you just contribute to the problem by keeping the same in office. (Futility is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.) If don't like it, change what is wrong.

Raymond H. Allen

Hot Springs

Editorial on 01/18/2017

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