Give Trump a chance

Dear editor:

This Sunday morning as usual when I awoke, the very first thing I do is to thank God for another day on this earth, also for being so fortunate, as to have been born in the United States of America. The second is to ask him to protect our president and his loving family, and give him the strength he will need to make the necessary changes, that our country badly needs.

Yes, Mary, those tears are tears of joy. I do not really concern myself with my critics, they, like the far left loonies we see on television, the chronic malcontents, have finally been exposed for what they are, just children throwing a temper tantrum. Have you noticed that they never share their vision of what they would like America to become? I am also looking forward to the next seven and one-half years with President Trump at the helm of our great country. I believe that eventually he will go down in history as the best president that we will ever have.

During this time, I am sure that he will be able to put two or more justices on the Supreme Court and this will keep the Constitution out of the hands of those who would destroy it for decades to come.

Being an amateur history buff and antique firearms collector, I own a matched set of 1860 Colt Army 44 cal. revolvers and they are on display in my living room. I wonder sometimes how much hatred must have been built up to pit brother against brother and cause so many lives to be lost during the Civil War, especially when you see how inefficient these guns are to load and use. Though there will be some who will disagree with me, I believe that this last election will be heralded as the beginning of a revolution and hopefully it will take place peacefully.

There was a time in America when insults and disagreements were settled by duels and the survivor was not the person with the best point of view, but the one most skilled with firearms. That was a change for the better.

The people are at the point when they can no longer accept the corruption in Washington any longer. They are demanding change, which will never happen by the Democrats and the Republicans we have elected. The Republicans are dragging their feet on the president's agenda and if they are smart, they will not take us for granted again. President Trump has the skill to accomplish this if given half a chance.

For all of the people who disagree with me and are emotionally upset, may I suggest that you might find some comfort in repeating the universally known Serenity Prayer. Call 501-545-1004.

Donald J. Reynolds


Editorial on 07/23/2017

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