Presidential attitude

Dear editor:

I appreciate Donald Cunningham's story in the March 20 Viewpoints. I have had people threaten to take their toys and go home when they were losing in the game.

What a wonderful opening he has given us for a discussion of our president's attitude. His approach is, "my way or the highway." This is the same as, "I'll take my toys and go home!" This goes along with the game plan, "When losing, or under attack, threaten to break up the game! Accuse, advance in another direction, pass the buck, deny, plead that your words were misunderstood or manipulated by a crooked press. Don't, under any circumstances, offer a logical explanation. Blame somebody else! Say that 'all will be made clear,' but don't ever do it. Offer vague accusations to muddle the true situation, knowing that there are many who will accept this without insisting on proof."

Mr. Cunningham, while you wait for the "checks and balances" to hold the president responsible for his actions, let me ask you whether you have added up the cost of his "getaway" trips to Florida. You and I are paying for these vacations, at the estimated cost of about $3,000,000 per. And in addition to this estimate, the Floridians around his golf estate say that they are losing money because of his visits. Has he missed a weekend since the inauguration? Let's see, looking at his proposed budget, if we divide the trip costs by the cost of Meals on Wheels, which he says has no results (a peculiar expression in itself -- everything we do has results), how much would each meal cost? Of course, that is neither fair nor complete. There are dozens of other "causes" that would be cut under his proposed budget, while he flies through the air with the greatest of ease. Perhaps he is not happy with the home we are providing. Or maybe we should build a wall around the White House?

Additionally, I note that you bring in the "Clintons and Obamas" (not sure how Mrs. Obama enters in). I wonder what they have to do with any discussion about the fitness of our president? They are gone! Let's deal with the present president and his ability to lead us. They have nothing to do with party politics in 2017. Playing tit for tat is only a step above taking the toy and going home.

One more thing -- and this is aimed at many of our letter contributors. Anybody can string together verses of Scripture to "prove" a point. These proof texts can be found in any concordance. But be careful! As Shakespeare said, "The devil can cite Scripture for his own purposes." Anybody can do it.

C.G. Smith

Hot Springs

Editorial on 03/22/2017

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