And then some

In our modern day society, we hear a great deal about the "secrets of success."

In reality there are really no secrets, as this is simply a marketing gimmick used to sell many of those success motivation programs that are around today. True success can be summed by these words of former President Harry S. Truman. He said, "I studied the lives of famous men and women, and found that those who got to the top did the jobs they had at hand -- with everything they had of energy, enthusiasm and hard work."

Several years ago I had a wonderful, unique experience that brought this truth home to me in a very special way. During a "How to Plan Your Life" seminar at one of the many high schools where I was privileged to work, I met a young man by the name of Danny Sanders. Danny was a member of the senior class, and a few weeks after the seminar to my surprise I received a three-page, handwritten letter from him. Just the fact that a high school student had taken the time to write to me was very gratifying, but he shared something in his letter that may be of value to you. And I would be honored if you will allow me to pass it along to you.

In his letter, Danny told me about a young man who had become very successful at a young age. When someone asked him how he did it, he said, "And Then Some." When asked what he meant he replied, "When I was in school and my teachers asked me to do something, I did it -- and then some. Later, when I got a job and my employer told me to do something, I did it -- and then some. (You will notice where I have gone from "asking" to "telling".) Finally, when I started a business of my own, I did what my customers expected -- and then some.

You see, this successful young man had been applying the universal natural law of cause and effect. This law, simply stated, means that for every cause there must be an effect and for every effect there must be a cause. By rendering more service than was actually required, he was using this universal law to get more rewards in return.

When it comes to achieving success, one of the biggest mistakes many people make is wanting the rewards before they render the service. This could be compared to a man standing in front of a cold, wood-burning stove and saying, "Give me some heat and then I will put in the wood."

And now here is the great news. A real understanding and application of this natural law which has been stated as "And Then Some." will give you everything on earth you desire. If you are having trouble making ends meet or having trouble in school or on your job, pause here and ask yourself this question: "Am I doing everything that is expected of me with the right attitude -- and then some?" If you are not, then you are needlessly holding yourself back.

When you apply this principle to the success of a business, that little extra -- and then some -- is the profit, and without earning a profit, you won't be around very long.

Until next time, here is something to think about that may be of great value to you. When a person concentrates all available energies on one specific task, the possibility of success is greatly increased. When time and talent are divided between several enterprises, chances of success are proportionally reduced.

Editorial on 03/26/2017

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