'Vietnam War' series

Dear editor:

I was really very disappointed in the cover of your TV Guide last Saturday. Featuring a "cooking show" instead of the Ken Burns' highly anticipated new series about the struggle of one of the most disastrous times of this century! "The Vietnam War" series premiered Sunday night. It took five years to complete and answers hundreds of questions about this very controversial conflict that took way too many lives and way too much capital ... a war we lost and was shamed by the public here and abroad.

It should be mandatory viewing for every junior, high school and college student and the entire public so we don't make the same mistakes again. If we relied on your paper for information, no one would have even known it was showing except it was in your schedule and George Will's column. You missed a great chance to alert and promote this for the good of your subscribers. As Donald Trump would say "sad."

R. Bruce Smith

Hot Springs

Editorial on 09/19/2017

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