Younger Self vs. Older Self

Oklahoma quarterback Kyler Murray won the Heisman Trophy on Saturday night. The next day the internet was abuzz about a report by USA Today that found Murray had made anti-gay tweets when he was 14 years old.

Murray apologized for the teenage tweets. A youthful misstep that caused a serious consequence in this young man's life. But I'm sure we can all agree that we have all made some mistakes in our youth. Some with bigger repercussions than others.

Life seems to be a series of events where your Younger Self (YS) is either helping or hurting your Older Self (OS). Sometimes those events are small and unimportant and then other times those events can be life-changing.

For example, YS comes home and instead of placing the keys in the designated spot YS throws the keys on the kitchen counter and they slide under some papers sitting on the counter. This causes OS to have to spend an extra 20 minutes in the morning searching for the keys. This frustration causes OS to curse YS and wonder what in the world was YS thinking.

But there are times when YS is very helpful to OS. One day YS is about to dash out and run some errands but notices that it looks like it could rain so YS grabs an umbrella. It is pouring rain when OS arrives at the store. OS reaches down and grabs the umbrella and it grateful to YS for having the foresight to bring it.

Those are a couple of examples of the small, minor impact that YS can have on OS. But there can be very serious consequences based on some of the decisions YS makes.

If YS decides to start a savings plan in their 20s that is extremely beneficial to OS. Especially when OS reaches retirement age. The forethought and compassion that YS shows for OS will bring a tear to OS's eyes at that time.

Now let's say YS blows all of their money on Cheetos, video games and Christmas ornaments. OS is none too happy with YS. When it comes time for OS to retire they see that YS has really put them in a bind. If they could OS would probably beat the crap out of YS but until Doc Brown gets the Flux Capacitor up and running in the DeLorean that isn't going to happen.

Probably the biggest impact YS can have on OS is in the health realm. If YS exercises, eats right and controls their vices OS will certainly reap the benefits. But if YS eats whatever they want, smokes like a chimney and counts it as exercise if they walk to the bathroom during the commercial breaks of "Wheel of Fortune," then OS is in real trouble.

The positive note is we are always YS. Even though we may feel like we are OS it is never too late to make a change and take a step in the right direction to help OS out. So don't be a selfish, loser YS with Cheeto crumbs all over your fingers as you order a Ginsu knife. Be a forward thinking, healthy eating, exercise loving, spendthrift and you too will be one happy OS.

Just remember you don't have to be an OS that takes any BS from your YS.

Editorial on 12/16/2018

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