A creeping despotism

Dear editor:

I think most Americans are hopeful that the POTUS and Pompeo will be able to establish a true denuclearization in North Korea and that an end to the Korean conflict will finally come following the 1953 truce by President Eisenhower.

I find it ironic, as a peacetime draftee, that the POTUS in his few months of service continues to declare great respect for our military and military efforts when he took five deferments to avoid serving in Vietnam. Some left and went to Canada because of disagreements and controversy surrounding the war; others bought their way out when they could.

However, in spite of all the public support he gives, he has stated in the recent past that military service is no more dangerous than fighting off STDs "in the Manhattan dating scene." In spite of these things, many veterans voted for him and continue to support him strongly, mainly for his strong macho statements about so many issues.

There have been oceans of American blood and tears defending our fragile democracy and Constitution, from the battlefields of Gettysburg to the shores of Tripoli. Yet, our POTUS regards our Constitution as "just scribbling on paper." In his egotistical and narcissistic world, he alone is the governing power. His view of the Oval Office is very similar to that of the Roman Vatican, a nation state.

The three branches of our government were created to serve as balances to each other; yet the POTUS treats them as business portfolios of Trump Properties. Dear readers, such attitudes suggest strongly a creeping despotism. Sen. McCain, and a few others, are right! Remember heroic Sen. McCain from Vietnam days? Yet, the POTUS says that real heroes are not those who suffer as POWs!

When the POTUS professes that "attitude is all that matters," like in preparation for the summit meeting with Kim Jong Un, such attitudes of his diminish our great democracy, with all its weaknesses, and remind us of Pogo's comment years ago, "We sought the enemy, and he is us."

John W. "Doc" Crawford

Hot Springs

Editorial on 06/17/2018

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