A slanted view

Dear editor:

In response to Bill Wiedmann's letter, dated Oct. 31, you say you are an independent, not a Dem or Republican. Really? Your view that the president is not a leader is your slanted view. Previous presidents were always smiling, waving and being so pretentious. Trump is genuine, no fake put on. And whether you will admit it or not, he gets things done that are for the betterment of our country. And yes, America is made up of immigrants. But how did these people come into this country 100 years ago? Not by overrunning a border for illegal entry.

Yes, there are a lot of suffering people in Latin America and the world, but we can't be responsible for all these people. Our government has some of the most stupid laws on immigration, such as births from illegals being citizens of this country. Are you kidding? The 14th Amendment in no way supports this view. Only liberal interpretations and biased Dems support this thinking. We have been trying for almost 30 years to correct our failed immigration policy in this country. But because of politics and bleeding heart liberals who want to cater to these people for their votes and to look like such great compassionate leaders, changes never happen, no change in our ridiculous laws.

At the present time, we are robbing our citizens of financial benefits, closing or partially closing federal parks and other cost-cutting measures and spending it on or supporting these immigrants. Do you believe all of these people in the present caravan are good, flawless people? You know Trump is correct about there are some bad folks who will harm citizens once they are here.

Let one of these guys rape or kill your daughter or wife, maybe that would change your mind.

Your comments on the news media being the enemy are also wrong. They are biased, they lie, they give distorted, twisted views on everything the Republicans, Trump, and his family do. Can you not see this? When you watch the newscast, the first thing out of their mouth, breaking news! Trump did this or that. He should not have gone to the Jewish church; his wife speaks English poorly; his daughter or Jared Kushner did something wrong. The news reports are always negative, he can do nothing to please them.

Don't you really think it's a stretch for you to accuse Trump of leaning toward white supremacists? You have been brainwashed by the fake news from ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN.

And your comment on global warming. What do you really know about it? Are you an Al Gore fan? Again, anything to put down our present leadership. You are biased in some of your views. Start reading different material, try watching Fox News just for the heck of it.

I have a question for you and the other liberals: How's the Russia collusion investigation coming along after two years of wasted resources? More fake news, like the many columns that are presented to us every day in our newspapers.

One more thing on the immigration issue. Do you think any other countries allow their borders to be run over without consequences? What do you think would happen to you if you crossed into Mexico or Canada illegally? This country and its citizens need to step up to the plate and make necessary changes to our current, ridiculous laws.

C.W. Reemes

Hot Springs

Editorial on 11/11/2018

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