Friday's Letters to the Editor

'Real fake news'

Dear editor:

I thank my God for writers like Noah Little (March 12 issue) and others like him who bother to read from various sources and do not rely on TV bites alone. In the style of Ms. Robinson, I thank God that many of us do not swallow what ultraconservative writers like Bosch and others send to this paper. Bosch writes letters using misinformed data. He and his ilk get real fake news to the reader.

As Little cites correctly, real data shows that our GDP is slowing, not growing. The data also shows that the great wealth created from the recent tax cut benefited large corporations much more than the average citizen. In fact, of the Fortune 500, 85 percent gave no raises or bonuses to employees and the money was not used for job creation. Rather, the CEOs used the money for stock buybacks, something few folk on the street understand. In essence, they got richer.

I have been puzzled by the many Democrats who voted for Mr. Trump because he is such a good businessman. Records show otherwise. Not only does he have at least four bankruptcies to his credit, but a number of his actions have resulted in recent financial damage to Arkansas farmers, poultry men, ranchers, and businesses. Many of those voters returned to the Democrat fold last November, remembering that such tax cuts occurred also under Reagan and George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush with detrimental effects to the average person.

So, I repeat, I thank my God for so many voters and many non-voters (shame on them for wasting that right) who bother to consult various sources for their business information. Our country is great and has been great in many ways, and perhaps was in some ways greater in 2016 than it is now.

John W. "Doc" Crawford

Hot Springs

Specifics, please

Dear editor:

I reply to the letter written by Michael Preble published March 17 in which he states that I and a gentleman named Bauer made "statements of false narratives, misunderstanding, and misrepresentation," yet Mr. Preble fails to state in detail -- in true liberal/socialist anti-Trump style -- any specifics. Just innuendo and hyperventilation. He states that no one is advocating open borders, but I believe that the failure of Congress (both liberals and conservatives) to deal with the border issues including trespassers, disease control, drug trafficking, human trafficking, thugs, and gangs is a gross failure to protect our borders and by failing to do so is, in effect, advocating open borders. It is blatant abuse of their fiduciary duty to protect American citizens.

Mr. Preble, Social Security and Medicare are not "socialist programs" as you indicated. Both programs consist of money paid in by U.S. citizens and those funds have been mismanaged and even stolen from by Congress. Congress has even borrowed nearly $3 trillion from the Social Security fund and the payout for retirees is much less as a result.

I would like to know, sir, the specifics of "Trump's perverse gospel that has become the stuff of Trump's flock." In my opinion, President Trump is merely attempting to save us from ourselves -- and the socialists' notion that a person who works should support those who don't or won't. While you state that socialist programs have benefited Americans for generations, I would like to point out that many of these programs are in the process of bankrupting our great nation and also creating a culture of "have-nots" who believe that the "haves" should take care of them.

Mr. Preble, instead of innuendo, I would like to hear some specifics regarding what specifically the liberals are currently doing regarding border security, illegal aliens, drug trafficking. human trafficking and the thugs and gangs entering through the back door of the United States. Also, specifically, what the Liberals in the House are doing now regarding immigration reform, pathway to citizenship, and dreamers instead of their politically motivated agenda of obstruction of a positive agenda to improve our society. They all need to get on the same page.

John Grillo

Hot Springs

Editorial on 03/22/2019

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