Thursday's Letter to the Editor

Acting like Hitler

Dear editor:

The last letter I submitted I compared Trump to Nero when discussing Trump's current madness. But, with his current tweets and threats against the free press, the Federal Reserve, his own security staff and the constitutional rights of us citizens, he appears to be acting like Hitler.

This is how Hitler started, by weakening the constitutional freedoms that Germany should have protected. What is worse, he is not near as smart as Hitler. He threatens, then denies he said it and lies, lies, lies for absolutely no reason or understanding of his position as leader of the free world. His foreign policy is made up on the spur of the moment without consulting his military, his foreign service and his own cabinet; like withdrawing from NATO, or his decision to gut Obamacare and offer a new medical plan. What plan? He doesn't know nor does his own GOP party. It is all hot air. Like opening the arctic for more oil exploration (which we don't need) and finally his total denial of global warming!

Yet he still dithers with tweets and bluster as the nation begs for a bill to improve the infrastructure, the rising medical and drugs costs, a sane and effective immigration policy, fiscal responsibility for our national debt. And he continues to try and divide us with constant bigoted, hate speeches. Sadly, he would rather concentrate on the wall!, a stance that borders on Hitlerish madness.

We deserve better. He promised more jobs, help for farmers, greater transparency, higher wages for the poor and middle class. We got none of this, only bigger tax breaks for the very wealthy and corporations. Can we wait another year while this loose cannon continues to try and fool us with his "Make America Great Again" false promise? No, he is taking the America we know and love to destruction and will certainly go down as the worst president in the history of this great country.

What do we do? Ask our "do nothing" GOP senators and congressmen to find the guts to stop him in his tracks! Of course, they haven't, and they won't. Can you recall any of our representatives saying one word against him? Maybe the answer is to clean house of these "yes men" and vote them out of office.

In the meantime, maybe one of these many investigations will finally prove he is truly a crook and he will be out of our lives forever. If only. ...

P.S. Rupert Murdoch, owner of "Faux" News and The Wall Street Journal, supports him, but never thought he could win, supposedly calling him a " - - - - - - - idiot" This man knows one when he sees one.

R. Bruce Smith

Hot Springs

Editorial on 04/18/2019

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