Tuesday's Letter to the Editor

An open Hot Springs

Dear editor:

It is argued by progressives that America should let anyone and everyone who desires from south of the border or from anywhere into the United States. In essence, an open border. Their reasons being that these men, women and children are just seeking economic improvement, asylum from violence in their native countries or as simple as they need better living conditions and better and more food. And America is vastly prosperous and should be more welcoming since we are a compassionate country that has so much.

If those are sufficient reasons to allow those in need to cross the border unimpeded and take advantage of America, then I want to propose a logical extension to that thinking. Let's now substitute Hot Springs for America and see how that thinking might apply. The poverty rate for Hot Springs is over 27 percent. Hot Springs has a significant number of homicides and certain areas have lots of crime and violence. Many in Hot Springs are living on the street, in the woods and in unsafe areas. Affordable housing is out of reach for the vast majority of those in poverty. Many, especially children, are malnourished and are chronically hungry. Worse yet, they seem to have no economic future in Hot Springs.

So, what happens if we use the same arguments and solutions for those unfortunate people that live in Hot Springs that we are using for illegal immigrants?

Anyone living in Hot Springs and Garland County who is not in poverty can be considered the equivalent of a compassionate, prosperous America. We, therefore, should all openly welcome all in need into our homes. Get rid of any gated communities, walls around our homes and also take all locks off our doors. Let those in need know we have spare rooms that they can live in for as long as they need or want. Also, since we have more than enough food, we can generously feed any and all who are hungry, especially those now living in our homes. And yes, even if we have to go into debt and increase the balances on our credit cards and not put away money for our retirement, that's OK. What's only important is that we take care of everyone, no matter what and with no rules.

Obviously, I doubt anyone, even progressives, are willing to do all the above locally. Yet, they want that done nationally. Could it possibly be that which doesn't affect them directly and personally sounds like a great idea? But what if they personally had to deal with Hot Springs being flooded with immigrants who needed to live in your home and eat your food? What if your real estate taxes had to increase along with sales taxes so these immigrants could live here?

Hey, just in case you're good with all this, I have a sign-up sheet just waiting for your signature. We have plenty of people you can help, immediately.

Jack Sternberg, MD

Hot Springs

Christian lessons

Dear editor:

Mary, I'm sure glad Jesus died to make you "perfect" with a sharp tongue. Can't agree that the teachings from God you write about are the same teachings I was taught as a Christian. First, I doubt God would be involved in praying for "investigating of the investigators" ... please do not use God to assuage any guilt you feel about voting for such a vile man into an office he doesn't deserve nor understand. He literally does everything Jesus told us not to do. Speaking God's name and Trump together just is not right.

I do have a question for you, Mary, since you know the teachings of the Bible so well ... where would Jesus be on the border ... would he help build the wall, or would he be feeding and comforting those in need?

Phyllis Muse


Political spin

Dear editor:

Hello, Arkansans! How I miss you all down here in Texas! I am wondering if mine is the only brain that starts spinning when our potbellied male politicians and stringy-haired female politicians vote to execute our babies -- they loosely call it abort -- after they are born! These are little American citizens they are voting to kill! Perhaps it is time for we the people to consider the legality of retroactive abortion. WDYT?

Pat Pine Darnell

Cedar Creek, Texas


Editorial on 08/20/2019

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