Saturday's Letters to the Editor

Time to show courage

Dear editor:

Our government employees in Arkansas and across the country should not be sacrificed as pawns by the president. We depend on our Arkansas senators to represent all citizens in Arkansas -- not the Republican Party. I hope they have the courage to oppose the president's shutdown and work with all of Congress to address the complex problem of immigration. They took an oath to uphold our Constitution, and that requires preserving the balance of power between the legislative and executive branches.

Carol Albee

Hot Springs

Let's see the plan

Dear editor:

I don't get it ... every planner and developer and I thought the president knew that you don't build anything without a design, construction plan, budget and timeline. So, I want to see the preferred barrier design and a map of the border, with existing barriers to keep, ones to replace, new barriers, and where manpower and technology will be employed. And a realistic construction budget. Simple. Get the project team working. Don't forget to show it to Nancy and Chuck and put it online. And open the government. Otherwise, our president is just a big bully, the same bully we heard on the Access Hollywood tape -- what, you thought we forgot! I want my country back.

Michael Preble

Hot Springs

Editorial on 01/12/2019

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