Sunday's Letters to the Editor

'The Pinocchio Administration'

Dear editor:

A fairy tale can have real-life consequences. We have a president who lies so easily and often that we can easily call his time The Pinocchio Administration. He must need at least an 18-foot wide hallway to turn around and Ms. Sanders is only a few inches short of his journey. In addition, there is a long line of elected and appointed personnel centered directly behind him that daily pray for turn signals so that they know which way to pivot!

How have we come from the honest, hardworking country that our ancestors died to preserve to a gullible, hate-filled mass that will believe and follow Pinocchio?

Jim Pumphrey

Garland County

Context is key

Dear editor:

Bill Wiedmann's letter of Jan. 8 shows he does not read the Scripture with any sense of the context. "Misogyny" is never an attitude that Scripture condones, never! (Genesis 2:18) Eve was to be a fit companion for Adam, an equal. (Ephesians 5:25) Paul said that the husband was to sacrifice himself and his needs for the wife in the same way that Jesus sacrificed himself and his needs for all of us. "Submit?" Come on, read the context. "Tribalism?" You blame that on God? When his disciples wanted to be "top dog" in the new kingdom, their "tribe," Jesus asked who is more important (in a cafe), the server or the patron. (Luke 22:27). You easily skipped over slavery. (Deuteronomy 15:12-18.) I could not find any "etc., etc's."

Sand and stars. Current cosmology suggests that the cosmos is about 6,000 to 10,000 years old. They say, all galaxies are the same temperature. And, the light from the east to the west and west to east has not yet reached the farther opposite position. It's on the net. Open minds to carbon dating say 6,000 to 10,000 years.

Evolution. A Ph.D. in the evolutionary sciences studied the bar codes of 100,000 animals and humans. His conclusion, humans and animals began at about the same time. I quote him, " ... not one major news agency has reported the shocking findings." "Researchers examined some 5 million gene snapshots, or DNA bar codes ... in the U. S. government-run GenBank database." Same paragraph, " ... most of the species formed within the last 6,000 years." A Ph.D. in the evolutionary sciences states that these studies are "a clear refutation of the theory of evolution." Wow! A Ph.D. refuting his own expertise!

"I am that I am." A metaphor? Nowhere close. (Exodus 3:13, 14) The Hebrew for "I Am" is "Jahweh Elohim." The Greek for "Jahweh Elohim" is "ego eimi." The English for "ego eimi" is "I Am" Compare that with John 8:56-58. "I Am" is God's real name. John 8:53. They asked, "Who do you think you are?" Verse 57. "You have seen Abraham?" Verse 58. "Before Abraham was born, I Am." (Burning bush!) Verse 59, "They picked up stones to throw at him." (Jewish method of execution.)

John 5:18. " ... the Jewish authorities (were) all the more determined to kill him; ... (he) had made himself equal with God." Was he really a nut case? Equal with God? I and billions of people believe and bend their knee before him. (Billions don't.) Ask, "What does weeping and gnashing of teeth mean?"

Richard Ames

Hot Springs Village

Editorial on 01/13/2019

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