Monster seeds


Strange seeds have made their way here from China. Residents in all 50 states have reported receiving the suspicious packages of seeds. The USDA says if you receive the packets of seeds, do not plant them and contact your state plant regulatory official. The obvious concern stems from the fact that these plants could be invasive from a plant or pest standpoint.

Of course, with the way 2020 has been going these plants could actually be some type of man-eating plant that we have never experienced before. It could easily be something that grows into a monster that no one can control.

It all seems eerily similar to the plot of the 1986 classic movie "Little Shop of Horrors." For those of you who are unfamiliar with the plot of this dark comedy musical please let me bring you up to speed. Seymour, the geeky owner of a struggling flower shop decides to close the store. His colleague, Audrey, suggests that he may find success by displaying a very unusual plant that Seymour owns. Seymour tells Audrey he bought the plant from a Chinese flower shop during a solar eclipse. See the similarities there?

The plant grows and the store begins to flourish but there is something sinister afoot. The plant soon begins to talk to Seymour. Not just talk, but demand that Seymour kill people to provide the plant with the human blood it needs to survive. The plant promises Seymour if he will kill someone for the plant, the plant will in exchange bring fame and fortune to Seymour.

I do not want to spoil the entire movie, in case you have not seen it, but needless to say things go askew and Seymour must face down his plant to save the world. Let us just say the ending is electrifying.

You may be saying to yourself, "Nothing like that can happen here in Arkansas." However, wouldn't you know it that our story may have just taken the first unusual turn? A Booneville, Ark., man received the seeds from China and decided to plant them. Making matters even scarier he gave the plant miracle grow and says it is "Growing like crazy."

Making things even eerier, Arkansas will experience a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on Nov. 30, 2020. Could this eclipse take our innocent Booneville plant and turn it into a sinister sweetgum or carnivorous crape myrtle? Stranger things have happened.

In 2011, more than one thousand blackbirds fell from the skies over Beebe, Ark. I'm not sure if anyone knows exactly what happened.

In 2013, over 500 earthquakes rocked the small town of Guy, Ark. Wouldn't you hate to have been that Guy?

Not to mention the Boggy Creek Monster, White River Monster or the Heber Springs Water Panther. There are plenty of odd things going on in the natural state.

So stay safe out there. Remember don't plant any strange seeds or say Candyman three times in a mirror or open that weird trunk in your neighbor's basement. We already have COVID to deal with; we do not need Freddy, Jason or Michael on top of it.

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