Sunday’s Letters to the editor


The greater influence

Dear editor:

Across the nation, there has been a lot of controversy over this whole "Critical Race Theory" issue. From what I understand, at its core, it simply means the correct teaching of history. The good, the bad, the ugly.

Critics say it will lead to teachers indoctrinating students and even making them feel guilty because of their race, gender, or ancestry. I hate to break the news to those critics, but teachers have been injecting their own beliefs into curriculum since, well, since there have been teachers. And for the most part, it's healthy for young people to hear differing viewpoints so that as they mature, they can look at issues from varying perspectives.

My question for parents (and politicians) who oppose this type of instruction is this: What does it say about your parenting skills if you are so terrified that one instructor, for less than one hour a day, for less than a full calendar year, can influence your child to a greater degree than you can? If that scares you, you may need to take a hard look at your own parenting skills. And while you're at it, get those phones and iPads out of the kids' hands. I think we'd all agree that (unfortunately) social media and technology now have a far greater influence over young people than any teacher does.

R.B. Keener

Hot Springs

Pro-birth a cop-out

Dear editor:

Evangelicals and shortsighted leaders are attempting to turn this country into a theocracy, governed by the church, that was opposed by our founders. They oppose women's rights, civil rights, human rights and voter rights, in the name of God. They are not pro-life, but pro-birth because they do not care about the child once born. This movement is for power and the control of women. Rulers, politicians and church leaders know that when they control the women they control society and this oppression has persisted for thousands of years.

This religious extremism is pushing this country to conditions that exists in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and countries where religious ideology and extremism rules and women are subservient to male domination and with limited rights.

This blind movement has no mechanism or support to prevent unwanted pregnancies. They are against birth control, sex education, family planning, the morning after pill and even the use of condoms. They do not provide a financial safety net to protect and support unwanted children, nor penalties for the male fathering them. The responsibilities and blame are placed on women, even for rape and incest. Our Christians, in name only, are not addressing, nor adopting the 545,000 unwanted children in foster care, the 3 million annually abused unwanted children, nor the 11.5 million children living in poverty with parents that cannot afford them. They do not address the 4.8 million women that are physically abused and the millions that suffer mental abuse, due to the stresses of too many children and caused financial strains. Much of this abuse is generated by those preaching and supporting male domination.

In USA Today, Rebecca Todd Peters, a professor of religious studies at Elon University and an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), says that she had two abortions and considers both to be positive moments in her life.

"I can say, without a doubt, that the two decisions we made to have children were far more morally significant than the decisions to end two pregnancies," she wrote. "Guided by Christian principles that promote abundant life, seek justice and recognize the human dignity of women, the decision to end a pregnancy can be a morally good decision. And in a world where the dominant Christian voices insist that abortion is morally wrong, it is time for those Christians who believe otherwise to say loudly and clearly that abortion can be a moral good."

Eighty percent of our churches are led by uneducated ministers, influencing naive followers. They are more like the Pharisees and Sadducees rather than caring for the rights and well-being of others. Voting to end Roe vs Wade does not make one more Christian, but less human.

Jerry Davis

Hot Springs

Death is not the answer

Dear editor:

Those who favor abortion are not "Pro-choice," they are pro-death for the child the woman is carrying.

Life for humans begins at the moment when the female egg is fertilized by sperm from the male. That moment is not instantly identifiable but it becomes very clear within eight weeks when a heartbeat can be detected. There is no doubt a human being now exists and has existed for some time. The desire by some women and their questionably male friends to terminate the life of another human is clearly murder. The sixth commandment states thou shall not commit murder.

Those who support abortion often use the weak argument of a woman controlling her own body. Once you create another human it is not just your body but that of another defenseless human.

Others argue that women who have been raped has the right for an abortion. If we examine the situation, we all understand a woman who has been raped is a victim. And for those too narrow-minded to comprehend, so is the child in her womb. So, the answer to a rape is to kill another victim? The logic of this insane position completely escapes me.

Please don't use the argument no one will adopt unwanted children. That simply isn't true! The Catholic Church via its adoption services and every pregnancy center of which there are hundreds, will gladly help you find a family to adopt those children. There are waiting lists for families who wish to adopt. (See

Please try to understand killing another human being is not the answer for an unwanted child. It is murder!

Dennis L. Bosch

Hot Springs

Kudos to dance theater

Dear editor:

The Children's Dance Theatre's production of "Cinderella" was engaging. Although the story of Cinderella was the theme, laughter was a close second. The ugly stepsisters, Afflicted and Furious, were portrayed by Thomas Cooper and Steven Laurence Mitchell, respectively. To watch these two men interact as spoiled, hateful sisters was downright hilarious.

There were many beautiful accomplished dancers throughout the production wearing outstanding costumes. Hannah of Springy Dingy costumes designed the grasshoppers and dragonflies with moving hind legs and limbs. The costuming, the set designs and the staging gave the talented dancers all the props they needed to once again enchant the audience with this beautiful story of Cinderella by 17th-century French author, Charles Perrault.

The next production of the Hot Springs Children's Dance Theater will be the "Nutcracker" on Thanksgiving weekend and the first weekend in December. Read this story before you go and then watch it come to life at the Children's Dance Theatre.

Praise for artistic director Edmond Cooper, his staff and to all those young dance students who bring a moment of magic to our lives.

Shirley Chauvin

Hot Springs

'Thanks' for support

Dear editor:

We would like to express our sincere appreciation for the recent support received from Slate Rock Brewing in Amity. On Saturday, May 7, Slate Rock Brewing sponsored a 5K Beer Run to celebrate their fourth year anniversary of business in Amity. The 5K Beer Run was well attended and offered an opportunity for the local community businesses and individuals to come together for a day of fun and entertainment while concurrently benefiting the Faces Foundation. The Foundation would like to thank the owners of Slate Rock Brewing, Shawn and Orianne Burgess, as well as Sara Lyons for their generosity and support. In addition, we would like to thank all the participants and sponsors that made the 5K Beer Run possible and contributed to its overall success.

The Faces Foundation is a Hot Springs nonprofit organization founded by Dr. Daron Praetzel that provides facial and reconstruction surgery for children and young adults with facial deformities, who would otherwise not have the financial resources to have adequate and appropriate surgical corrections performed.

Our sincere thank you to Slate Rock Brewing and all who helped make the event possible.

Ernie Hinz

Hot Springs

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