'Wake up, America'

Dear editor:

Turkey's President Erdogan has apparently rounded up the culprits for the failed coup d'tat. The media has publicized that he said, "They will pay dearly for this." Oh, how I wish John F. Kennedy could have had the opportunity to say the same. None of his killers were brought to justice. If any of you out there still believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone shooter, you are quite naive. Wake up, America!

In the 1960s, a movie called "Twelve Angry Men" was produced. The movie clearly outlined the issues that trouble our judicial system. Here it is -- nearly 60 years later -- and our courts are worse off than ever. Even though we have advanced forensics, we still rely on the same ill conduits for prosecution. What has changed in the last 60 years? Not much. Big money still gets the best defense and one race cannot identify anyone from a different race. Wake up, America!

I find it ironic that the five officers killed in Dallas were murdered not too far from where JFK was gunned down. What has changed in these last 50-plus years? Not much! Innocent people are getting killed and the hate, prejudice and the self-centered egotists remain. Wake up, America!

Recently I was seeking employment. Here I am, born and raised in the United States and I have to be bilingual to even be considered for some jobs? If you go to Germany, learn German. If you travel to Russia, learn Russian. Seems to me if you come to America, you should learn English! Keep your proud and important heritage in the privacy of your own homes. I should not have to listen to several languages on the phone where the English button is number 2. The English language is what binds us together! Wake up, America!

I am sick to death of big shot politicians getting away with lies, murder and deceit because their big money keeps them above the law. I am sick to death of the Pentagon's warmongers and upper echelon's lies sending our young boys and girls into military chess games that have not been declared war by our congressional authorities. I am sick to death of lobbyists wheeling-and-dealing with our elected officials as to how our tax dollars should be spent! I am sick to death of corporate fat cats using and abusing young, struggling moms and dads who are simply trying to provide for their families. President Eisenhower warned us about domestic enemies. Wake up, America!

Linda R. Short

Hot Springs

Editorial on 07/29/2016

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