Friday's Letter to the Editor

Time to serve again

Dear editor:

It was great to read Mark Gregory's editorial today, the anniversary of the second day that will live in infamy in America. He says that so many have paid a great cost for our freedom. We cannot afford to live in such a way that they seem to have died in vain.

On the same page, I read a letter from a retired U.S. Marine. When I see one of his letters in the paper, I am reminded of the year in the Vietnam War I spent keeping my head down and thinking of home. We must remember not only the Marines but also all of those in all branches of military service and support groups who have given their "lives, fortunes, and sacred honor" for our country. We should thank our veterans and active duty personnel often.

I am concerned that Gunny Collins feels inclined to move out of town. He is not happy with our city manager or the board of directors.

I have a suggestion, made in the kindest way possible. Gunny, you need to make an appointment with City Manager Bill Burrough to sit down and talk about the things that are bothering you. A friend and I went to see him and Deputy City Manager Lance Spicer a while back because we wanted to know what the city is doing or plans to do about environmental concerns. They were very patient with us, and gave us everything we could have hoped for. They answered all of our questions about this topic and about the city's plans in other areas.

Don't go away mad, Gunny! Listen to their explanations before you decide.

You served your country, and we are grateful for that. Now maybe you can serve your city. Talk it over with these two men, please.

C.G. Smith

Hot Springs

Editorial on 09/13/2019

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