Fairness exists

Dear editor:

A quote from "Common Sense": "Of more worth is one honest man to society, and in the sight of God, than all the crowned ruffians that ever lived." Such are the vitriolic words of Thomas Paine, who, although born in England, argued against monarchy and royalty. Paine exposed the truth of royalty.

To James Wilson: Read and learn some things from Thomas Paine. Is it just me, or do Mr. Wilson's arguments have no cohesion or common sense? According to James, I have no concern for, nor even understand the concept of, minorities. Really? He seems to suggest that dreams of the "American way" were not world changing ideas and are not the best hope for the rest of the world. But I would argue, it was the times and people of America who began to realize and accept the idea that "all men were created equal."

For James to say that "'Fairness' doesn't exist on Earth" points out the silliness of his anti-American world view. Fairness does exist! And it does, at least in part, because of some of the great ideas which helped found America. Fairness exists when people begin to understand that old ways of thought (monarchies, theocracies, and aristocracies) are no longer acceptable. Fairness has helped end many things that are wrong in the world. Fairness helped to end slavery in America and in South Africa. Fairness around the world has helped to end the "witch trials" and "witch hunts" of religious fanatics. Fairness helped to bring about such things as civil rights, women's rights, workers' rights, and consumers' rights for safe products. Fairness is people establishing police and firemen to protect and serve us all. Fairness is when the people create social contracts which demand action to correct inequalities that the powerful inflict on the weak. Fairness helped bring about Social Security and Medicare.

The inequality that exists today is largely because too much power has been usurped by the top. The plutocrats, who now rule, are writing self-serving laws to benefit themselves while taking away rights of the weak. Big money is now pretty much able to inundate and control the airwaves with their propaganda. Their ads influence our thought processes to buy their products and elect their choices to represent us. And until people see and demand that big money be taken out the election process, America will continue to serve the most wealthy.

Do you agree that wealth and status is a sign from God? They do! But the rest of us need to think again. I am reminded of the quote: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." One reason why Jefferson held the radical view that the government needed to be overthrown every 20 years or so, was to prevent the establishment of self-serving powers.

Bill Wiedmann

Hot Springs

Editorial on 09/19/2014

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