Dear editor: Religions don't do evil

Dear editor:

Response to Mr. Warner (quoted):

"It's fair to say that, with one atrocity after another, it is becoming more and more difficult to turn the other cheek." The text where this is used is about a wrongdoer who has been struck by a victim.

Mr. Warner quoted Mr. Gandhi:

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is attribute of the strong." Forgiveness must be for one who repents (turns). Those who forgive an unrepentant person or group that continues to do wrong do what God never does.

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." The text with "an eye for an eye" explains the one circumstance in which this must be used. Using it outside of that circumstance isn't biblically based.

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you would live forever." Even better, do right toward others as if they are the images of God.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." The child with whom you deal may be the leader of the next generation; benefit that child with justice and instruction so that she/he can be prepared.

"You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty." Never put faith in humanity; put faith in the Creator. Do right and be zealous toward every representative of humanity.

"When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator." When I admire how an almost helpless child today can easily be the leader of a country tomorrow, I consider how I might influence that child to do justice, to do what is right, to be zealous for the benefit of others.

"Where there is love, there is life." Where there is fear, hatred and violence, there will usually be heroes and heroines who risk everything to do what is right, whose "love" isn't sentimental, but is truly seeking the highest, best interest of others without regard to self.

Mr. Warner said, "These poignant words by Gandhi could be much more than a liberal pipe dream. They may actually provide the only real road map to prevent the future destruction of civilization as we know it." If the Bible is Truth, the road map of peace is well-defined. Those who hold a wrong view of "the end of the world" will never promote peace, and will often promote suicide, violence, fear and death.

"Many want us to acknowledge that Islam is an evil religion." Many have the same view of the biblical faith. If the works of those of any faith are evil, the persons who do the works are evil. Anyone can blaspheme a faith by doing evil and claiming that it is an act of faith. Religions don't do evil; humans do evil, and can benefit others with the same force of strength. Love is never pacifist.

James Wilson

Hot Springs

Editorial on 02/25/2015

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