Michelle's message

Dear editor:

Michelle's address to the Democratic convention was electrifying, as some pundits said, and I agree. America is the greatest country in the world. She made me proud to be an American and a black woman, as well.

Having Hillary Clinton elected president will be good for Arkansas. What other state has produced a man and woman as president?

Michelle's message also stressed the privilege it was for her, as a mother, to have raised two daughters in the White House, as Bill and Hillary did with Chelsea.

She also stressed the fact that the White House was built by slaves, but the country has moved on and elected the first African-American president. What a great first lady she has been, inspiring to young people to strive for excellence by working hard to educate themselves and become productive citizens.

Blessings to all.

Hazel Wright

Hot Springs

Editorial on 07/29/2016

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