Suggested rewrite

Dear editor:

I would like to submit an abbreviated rewrite of Larry Bauer's latest letter:

Have you ever heard so much whining and crying in your life from a U.S. president? The elite Mr. Trump normally gets his way. A few times lately he has not. This has resulted in him having temper tantrums befitting a spoiled child.

I know there are folks out there who think this behavior is great with some chanting "This is who he is." What, acting like a child? I believe every time the adults, the people with common sense, see this idiocy and this behavior, the president loses more and more support -- and he should.

Mr. Trump, you lost the popular vote, you make up alternate facts, you bully people who disagree with you and you still tell us how great and wonderful you are. There has never been a president in my lifetime that acted like that. I guess that is what happens when you have always had things given to you and never actually had to work for a living like most of us Americans.

I, for one, am hoping you keep acting like the self-centered, out-of-touch bully you are. Each and every day more and more people in the U.S. and around the world are seeing you for what you really are. If you are acting like a crybaby now, we can hardly wait to see what happens as your opposition grows daily. Perhaps you can call on your buddy Putin for some advice.

Gary Vogt

Hot Springs Village

Editorial on 02/22/2017

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