Losing sight of wisdom

Dear editor:

I congratulate Mr. Nunn for his pursuit of education. However, sometimes people can be so "educated" they lose sight of wisdom.

You state that entrenched white Americans have placed Jesus at the back of the bus. The majority of Christians strongly believe Jesus is the son of God and our Lord and Savior. But to invoke His name at school activities or many other places has now been criticized and even forbidden. And sadly, some times Christians back down.

I believe you state incorrectly when you say "evangelical white Americans don't trust people outside their tribe, forced fed a diet of misinformation and lies for decades and believe whites are superior to all races." This is pretty strong Mr. Dunn. What proof can you show me, because I strongly refute it!

Regarding the Dalai Lama, he seems to be a very nice person, but his belief that you quoted unfortunately is wrong. "Whether you believe in God or not does not matter so much -- you must lead a good life." There are multitudes of "good" people in this world, but if they do not believe in Jesus, who died (and rose) for us, they will not be saved from the hell you "kind of wished for."

Two of my favorite scriptures are, "If you have seen me, you have seen my Father," John 14:9, and my favorite that opened my eyes to Him -- "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life -- no one comes to the Father except through me," John 14:6.

Shirley Roe

Mountain Pine

Editorial on 07/23/2017

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