The new political mantra

Dear editor:

Deregulation is the resurrection of a mantra that hurt people and taxpayers in the past. Regulations are put in place to solve problems and protect people. Our politicians and myopic voters are moving at warp speed to eliminate regulations under the heading of improving profits and the economy.

I am a taxpayer old enough to remember that the deregulation by Ronald Reagan required taxpayers to pay over $500 billion to bail out the savings and loan industry and such bail outs were again needed in 2008 after deregulation.

Greed has to be regulated to protect innocent people. Persons that are most motivated by greed do not have the conscience or self-discipline to do what is right, ethical and legal. Deregulation will repeat the problems of the past and again require taxpayers bailouts.

Jerry Wayne Davis

Hot Springs

Editorial on 07/23/2017

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