Wallowing in the mud

Dear editor:

In response to Friday's (June 16) letter. Yes. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. And this is exactly what the writer, the Dems and liberal media are hoping for, for our president to fall.

I don't know whether Humpty was being unashamedly pushed, shoved, yanked and kicked like President Trump, but thank the good Lord and the prayers of thousands, Trumpy still has his seat! Thank you, Lord!

I stated in a previous letter that Barack Hussein Obama is not out for the good of America, as we know it. He knocked America, turned his back on law enforcement and the military. He honored those who feel the same way about America as he does. And he is still at it.

Liberals and socialists are teaching young people, and others, that your food tastes much better when those who are doing the work pay for it. Thank God that slavery was abolished, but to those whose loved ones suffered under slavery, every one of them can hold their heads high compared to the lazies of this generation! God bless everyone who was no stranger to hard work!

Dems claim that their hearts bleed for the needy and illegals. If, by some miracle, any one of them were to make it into the swank neighborhood of Hillary, Nancy, Bernie, Maxine, Chuck or any of the other bleeding hearts, knocked on the door and said, "I'm hungry," what do you think would happen?

I think it's kind of funny that the Clintonites are so rattled over the "Donaldese." Be thankful! We could have gotten "Pinocchio" and "Wild Bill." (I threw that in for the "Humpty Dumpty guy.")

Donald Trump did not need the job. He cares about America. He knew the challenge he would face, he is no dummy. Most people would have quit by now, with the unending opposition thrown at him daily, so I can only say, "God bless him" and leave it in the capable hands of the One who know and loves us best.

If I were an artist, I would draw a cartoon. It would be some well-known libs, wallowing in the mud, oinking. What next?

God is good. He will prevail and our prayer must always be "let they will be done."

Mary Robinson

Hot Springs

Editorial on 06/21/2017

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