Dangerous leadership

Dear editor:

It appears that there is no shortage of opinions that promote religion and resist progress. We live in a time of significant unrest and chaos created primarily by a government dedicated to destroying our way of life. It has become a kakistocracy. We are in no danger from communism, but the religious zealots are now in control and are dangerous.

The leaders can only be described as rather mean and ignorant. Their support of Trump is one of the biggest dangers facing the world today. Human rights are in danger of being suppressed. Instead of trying to unify, their policies are divisive. We are seeing the problems in all areas of society. For anyone to say that these problems are caused because God is upset displays an ignorance that is clearly dangerous.

I find it terrifying that we have a person in charge of policy that is so dangerous that he is able to conduct himself in such a way that one of his subordinates becomes so enraged that he refers to him as a (bleeping) moron. I find it even more sad that all of those who serve him must continue to stoke his ego for fear of losing their jobs. For most it seems to be no problem, as they are more incompetent than he is. The only persons who seem to be marginally competent are the military and I fear that they will be unable to prevent a tragic and very destructive war.

One of the things that keeps hope alive for me is that I read on a daily basis advances in science. We are learning more about or universe and how it operates. There are people out there with views that keep the progress of knowledge alive and refuse to bow to the ignorance being injected into our government leadership.

My first protest was against the Vietnam War, and I, too, will continue to take a knee with those who protest against a government in which the worst persons are in power.

Mike Nunn

Hot Springs

Editorial on 10/14/2017

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