Law agencies not to blame

Dear editor:

Today (Feb. 17) we fly out flags at half staff again. But this time it's the FBI to blame. Wrong. Every day hundreds, if not thousands, of sick individuals make threats to kill, usually online. We don't have enough doctors to treat everyone who is mentally ill. We don't have the resources. It's just not possible. You can't and shouldn't lock mental people up and throw away the key. We punish people for what they do, not what they want to do.

There is no one cause of our violent society. There are many. Lack of family guidance, broken homes, terrible, violent games and movies, drug abuse, lack of principals and morals, machine guns, bombs, bullies, and on and on. I'm sure you can add just as many or more.

So let's not put the blame on our nation's top law enforcement agencies. That's not right. They spend their lives protecting. They are our neighbors. They are hard working professionals. They are us ... and they are no more to blame than you or me.

Ronnie Rogers

Hot Springs Village

Editorial on 02/21/2018

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