AAS presentation on Hollywood Plantation foodways

The Ouachita Chapter of the Arkansas Archeological Society will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Fordyce Room at National Park Medical Center, 1910 Malvern Ave. Visitors are welcome, so please bring a friend. For more information, email Meeks Etchieson at [email protected].

The program will feature Jodi A. Barnes presenting "The Archeology of Foodways at Hollywood Plantation." Barnes is the station archeologist at the Arkansas Archeological Survey's University of Arkansas-Monticello Research Station. In addition to teaching anthropology courses at the university, she is a historical archeologist with research interests ranging from the archeology of the African diaspora to Home Front Heritage.

Barnes' presentation will discuss archeological research that uncovered the remains of an ell kitchen, a smokehouse, and a cellar at Hollywood Plantation in southeast Arkansas. These spaces provide intimate information about foodways, or the shared ways that the Taylor family thought about, procured, distributed, preserved and consumed foods in the 19th and 20th centuries. In this presentation, Barnes shows how historical archeology that focuses on foodways can provide insight into the lives and diets of the Taylor family, as well as the enslaved laborers and domestic servants who labored at the rural plantation.

Society on 07/08/2018

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